How To Make A Latte With An Espresso Machine

The strong espresso coffee is a tradition of Italy enjoyed throughout the world. One of the most famous coffee concoctions that involves the use of espresso is the latte. Latte can be made from steamed milk and espresso.

Latte is expensive if you want to purchase daily, but you can also do it at home. Here is the method to create a latte with an espresso machine.

Step 1: Grinding Of Coffee

Espresso involves the use of ground coffee. The size of the coffee grounds should be the same as the table salt grains. Use a burr grinder for grinding the coffee as it adds control and freshness.

Step 2: Prepare The Milk

You will require 6 ounces of milk for a single small latte. A rule that you can follow is that you expect one ounce of brewed espresso with 6 ounces of liquid. The whole milk is the thick milk to foam, but it does not compare with the nonfat milk.

Step 3: Steam The Milk

Take a metal pitcher and pour the required amount of milk in it. After adding the milk, it's necessary to create the foam. The foam is needed for a great deal as well as being mixed with the steam. Make sure that you are not streaming the milk above 170 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 4: Measure Coffee For The Latte And Tamp

Every espresso shot requires a specific amount of coffee. Most of the lattes consist of two shots or espresso. Add about 18 to 21 grams of coffee in one espresso shot carefully. For tamping the coffee, hold the tamp and push it down, it will initiate a "puck" or coffee.

Step 5: Make Espresso Shots

You can lock the portafilter on the espresso machine into the group head. Initial making shots by pressing the brewing button. If you take too much espresso, it may result in a bitter taste, and if you don't get the required time, it will result in missing the flavors.

Step 6: Add Steamed Milk To Espresso

Pour the milk smoothly and start blending it with the espresso cream. You can also use the flow of foam. It will result in a base or dark brown color with a thin top.

You should use this method to make your yummy taste easier. Gears Judge  is a helpful online blog which shares very helpful tips and advice about espresso machine.

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